
Adhesives & Bonding Agents

Discover CIKOBOND, CIKOPOXY, and CIKOTILE – our branded adhesives designed for robust mechanical bonding. Whether it’s concrete, glass, steel, or wood, our solutions ensure strong adhesion between various substrates, enhancing reliability across applications.

Technical Data Sheets

  • Cement Based Adhesives

    CIKOblock AD

    Cement based pre-mixed block adhesive

    CIKOblock Fix

    Cementitious adhesive mortar for light weight blocks and thin laying systems

    CIKOblock Fix

    Two component cementitious jointing compound

  • Epoxy Adhesives

    CIKObond DS

    Two components pure epoxy adhesive for dissimilar substrates

    CIKObond DS-SEG (TP)

    High-Performance, Thixotropic, Aggregate filled Multipurpose Epoxy adhesive

    CIKObond EPL

    Epoxy resin based concrete bonding agent

    CIKOpoxy BP

    Epoxy resin based bonding and resurfacing paste

  • Polymer Latex Based Bonding Agents

    CIKObond SBR

    Latex additive for cementitious mortar, screed and renders

    CIKObond SBR 150

    Latex additive for cementitious mortar, screed and renders

    CIKObond AC

    Bonding agent and waterproofing additive for cementitious systems

    CIKObond PVA

    Adhesive and bonding agent for cementitious system

  • Water Based Adhesive

    CIKOkey Bond

    Adhesive and bonding agent for cementitious system